[Entrepreneurs Impact 01] Journey Rico Bommel

Childhood of Enrico “Rico” Bommel

Born and raised in Suriname, Paramaribo is where it all started for Enrico “Rico” Bommel. Born on June 25, 1987, Enrico Bommel came into this world and spent most of his childhood in Kasabaholo. Rico enjoyed his childhood playing with friends from his neighborhood in the ‘80s when there was no fancy technological way of spending your time, than with each other having real fun and making memories. He enjoyed a lot of love during his childhood, especially from his grandmother who was the backbone in supporting him and the family.

Growing up in a one-parent household, became more challenging when the backbone who was supporting the family, the grandmother of Rico, left to live in the USA, Miami, and suddenly became sick and had to go through surgery. This was a very challenging period for Rico, because not only did he miss his grandmother, but he was also worried about her and on top of it all the support she was providing also came to an end. This had a tremendous impact on his family. In some instances, he also had to choose between getting food or paying bills which also led him to drop out of school. The lifestyle he was used to, changed tremendously and that triggered the growth mindset even more and he started searching for a solution to support himself and the family.

As an early school drop-out, Rico started to use his talents to come to places where he knew he would meet certain people he wanted to share a seat at the table with and network to find growth opportunities. He started his dancing career in various dance groups and later continued with rap. Working in Starzz Discotheek for approximately six years provided the opportunity to meet people with a growth mindset and men whom he looked up to and who are now his friends and business partners.

Leaving Suriname to go live in the US in 2011 to create a better life, started with a Marble business. The aim was to import marble from Brazil to the US, but this did not stay for long, since it was very challenging Rico started doing business in Real Estate and built the Hot Sauce company Su Yum Foods together with his wife and her parents as equal partners.

His Impact

Embarking on a journey into the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, Rico has not only reshaped his lifestyle and mindset through business, but left an indelible mark on the business landscape, demonstrating the profound impact consistency can have on innovation, growth, and societal change. From manually producing 120 bottles an hour with the whole family, Su Yum Food now produces more than 2000 bottles of hot sauce in one hour using machines. Having a great clientele in the USA is one of the greatest achievements, wherein influencers such as ‘David’s Been Here’ became an ambassador for Hot Sauce. Su Yum Food also has a market at restaurants that are cooking with their marinade. As a Suriname company based in the USA, Su Yum Food works exclusively with raw ingredients from Suriname without additives. This company is the first and largest certified Suriname Hot Sauce company doing business in the US.

Su Yum

Growth comes with its challenges. The challenges Su Yum Foods faces are the prices of the import of raw ingredients from Suriname, due to inflation and economic challenges. And the volume of orders that are increasing. The company has put its strategy into place and is working towards solving these challenges of the volume by the end of January 2024. That this dynamic company is on the rise is noticeable looking at the growth of the company in the past years.

Closing Remarks from Rico

Rico shares that his focus is on small businesses and young entrepreneurs. To reach the top one has to be consistent and have love in their heart. There is no reason to hate and or be negative towards each other. Even through the challenges, there is enough room for everyone at the top. To reach the top entrepreneurs should be aware of their priorities and what they spend their time on. Be sure to follow the right people who inspire and eventually mentor you to become better. Ensure a healthy environment where love and grants are strongly present. Follow people and organizations who are already at the top and provide a platform/help for others to grow such as Rico himself, OneShot International, and others. Be positive, talk positive, and represent positivity in your lifestyle and in your products or services. Find the drive within and make your dreams come true.

Entrepreneur’s Impact

Entrepreneur’s Impact is the weekly go-to source for entrepreneurial impactful stories, insights, and inspiration powered by OneShot International. Whether you’re seeking expert advice, exploring business stories, or looking for a dose of inspiration to get started with your business idea or grow an established business, our blog is here to inform and engage. Join us every week as we delve into fascinating stories, lessons learned, and valuable tips with the entrepreneurs who are making a great impact. Get ready to embark on a journey of knowledge and discovery with us! In the weekly editions of the Entrepreneurs Impact, we will dive together into the story of Entrepreneurs and CEOs of businesses that embark on sustainable solutions for local and global problems. Weekly blogs will be published in the rubrics Entrepreneur Impact, Ideas & Opinions, and News & Media. 

Before we wrap up, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to you, our incredible OneShot International community. Without your dedication to making the world a better place, our mission would remain just a dream. Stay tuned for our next Entrepreneur Story next Sunday, same time, same place, different story.  

In the meantime, if you want to Start & Grow Your Own Business Join our program here: https://oneboost.net/investment-acceleration/, visit the digital platform here www.oneshot.sr, and join the International community of entrepreneurs making an impact.

With appreciation,

OneShot International
Suriname: (+597)8205555 | USA: +1(323)3642608
Email: info@oneboost.net | Website: www.oneshot.sr


One thought on “[Entrepreneurs Impact 01] Journey Rico Bommel”

  1. Judith May says:

    Congratulations. You’ve come a long way!
    I am retired and have been working my own papercrafting business, making greeting cards for 6 years now.
    It’s not easy, I sometimes want to give up, because people prefer imported stuff . But young people like you,remind me of the fact that you should be strong and never give up if you know you’re good.
    Thank you and God bless you and your business.

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